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Best Handgun for Women

The Best Handgun for Women: The Right Pistol for Your Needs

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The world of firearms has traditionally been seen as a male-dominated arena. Still, in recent years, there has been a significant rise in the number of women showing an interest in self-defense and personal protection. (CNN,2022)

As a result, manufacturers have started designing handguns tailored to women’s unique needs and preferences. This comprehensive guide will explore the various factors to consider when choosing the best handgun for women.

Choosing a suitable handgun for self-defense is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires careful consideration of size, weight, recoil, caliber, and price.

My best advice when talking to anyone looking at buying their first or 100th gun is to test it out. Many gun ranges have guns to rent. Then once you are confident and make that purchase, it is time for training! The most important part of the entire process is firearms training. NRA has great basic gun safety classes. Your local gun range has many beginner and advanced courses. Have fun, and get trained!

MR920 Elite
Shadow MR920 Elite
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield
Ruger-LCP max

Why Choose the Best Handgun for Women?

When choosing a handgun, women must select the right firearm that suits their needs. While some may argue that gender should not play a role in selecting a weapon, it is essential to acknowledge that women have distinct physical characteristics and preferences regarding firearms.

Therefore, choosing the suitable handgun for women becomes a matter of practicality and personal comfort. One of the primary reasons why women should choose the right handgun is self-defense.

Women often face different threats and challenges than men, prioritizing self-defense. Having a reliable firearm can provide an added layer of security and peace of mind in potentially dangerous situations.

It is crucial for women’s handguns to offer ease of use, quick accessibility, and efficient operation during high-stress scenarios. Another critical aspect in choosing the right handgun for women is ensuring optimal fit and ergonomics.

Many small handguns explicitly designed for women address grip size, trigger reach, and overall comfort during shooting sessions. Lightweight handguns are popular among female shooters as they reduce fatigue during extended training sessions or self-defense situations.

Additionally, low-recoil handguns are ideal for beginners or those with less physical strength, as they minimize muzzle rise and recoil impact. Choosing the right handgun for women goes beyond societal stereotypes or gender biases; it is about empowering individuals with tools that best match their needs.

The Unique Needs of Women

When considering the unique needs of women in choosing a handgun, several factors come into play. One essential aspect is the physical differences between men and women, including hand size and grip strength.

Women typically have smaller hands than men, affecting their ability to handle specific handguns comfortably and confidently. Women must find a firearm that appropriately fits their hands, ensuring a secure grip and optimal control.

* Note, I have short stubby hands this is a factor that I have to take into account also. No ego, it will just get in our way. 

Another critical consideration for women’s handguns is managing recoil. While some women may have no issue handling high-recoil firearms, many prefer lower-recoil options for enhanced accuracy and ease of use.

Low-recoil handguns provide several advantages for women, including reduced muzzle rise and less perceived recoil during firing. Choosing a low-recoil handgun designed for women’s needs, such as those with designed grips or recoil-dampening features, allows for prolonged practice sessions without excessive strain or discomfort.

Compact or subcompact models often fit this description perfectly by balancing portability and firepower. These small handguns cater specifically to the needs of women who prioritize discretion and comfort while still having access to an effective means of self-defense.

Furthermore, lightweight and compact designs provide practicality by offering an optimal balance between concealability and firepower necessary for self-defense situations. Considering these factors will aid any woman in selecting the best handgun tailored precisely to her needs.

Types of Handguns for Women

When choosing a handgun for women, various types are available that cater to their specific needs. Whether for self-defense or recreational shooting, selecting the right firearm is crucial. Here are some of the most popular types of handguns for women:

  • Semi-Automatic Pistols:
    • Semi-automatic pistols are among the top choices for women due to their ease of use, reliability, and versatility.
    • These handguns offer a higher ammunition capacity than revolvers and can be easily reloaded by inserting a new magazine.
  • Revolvers:
    • Both men and women have long favored revolvers due to their simplicity and reliability.
    • These handguns typically have a cylinder that holds multiple rounds of ammunition, which rotate as each shot is fired.
    • Revolvers are known for their durability and low maintenance requirements compared to semi-automatic pistols.
  • Derringers:
    • Derringers are small handguns ideally suited for concealed carry due to their compact size and lightweight design.
    • These single-shot firearms typically have two or four barrels arranged in an over-under configuration, allowing them to be discreetly carried in a pocket or purse.
    • While they may lack the ammunition capacity of other handguns, derringers provide simplicity and reliability, making them suitable for close-range self-defense situations.

Each type of handgun mentioned above offers specific advantages tailored to different needs and preferences. By carefully evaluating these options and considering personal requirements, women can find a handgun that provides confidence and security.

Semi-Automatic Pistols

When it comes to choosing a handgun for women, semi-automatic pistols are often a popular choice. These handguns offer various options specifically designed to cater to women’s needs. One of the primary advantages of semi-automatic pistols is their capacity, as they typically hold more rounds than other handguns.

This feature can benefit women who prioritize self-defense and desire the ability to fire multiple shots without needing to reload. One aspect that makes semi-automatic pistols an attractive choice for women is their versatility in terms of size.

Many manufacturers offer compact and subcompact models designed explicitly with smaller frames in mind. These small handguns for women are lightweight and easy to handle, making them ideal for concealed carry.

Not only do these compact sizes make it easier for women to grip and control the firearm, but they also enhance maneuverability in high-stress situations. Another important consideration when choosing a handgun for women is recoil management.

These guns may feature recoil-reducing technology or be chambered in calibers that produce less kickback when fired. Women can improve accuracy and comfort during shooting sessions or self-defense scenarios by selecting a low-recoil handgun.

Semi-automatic pistols provide several advantages when selecting the best handgun for women. Their larger capacity allows for multiple shots without reloading, providing added security during self-defense situations.

Additionally, the availability of compact and subcompact models caters directly to the needs of smaller-framed individuals seeking lightweight firearms suitable for concealed carry purposes. Moreover, choosing low-recoil handguns ensures better control and accuracy when firing rounds—making them an excellent choice for female shooters seeking optimal performance without compromising comfort or ease of use.


have long been a popular choice among women when it comes to selecting a handgun for self-defense. With their simple yet reliable design, revolvers offer several advantages that make them attractive options for women’s handguns. One of the critical benefits of revolvers is their ease of use and straightforward operation, which makes them suitable for both novice shooters and experienced individuals alike.

One notable advantage of revolvers is their reliability. Unlike semi-automatic pistols that rely on cycling the slide to chamber a new round, revolvers utilize a cylinder that holds multiple rounds in separate chambers.

This design eliminates the potential for feeding or ejection malfunctions commonly witnessed with semi-automatics, thus ensuring excellent reliability in critical situations. Moreover, revolvers tend to be less prone to jamming or malfunctioning due to debris or dirt accumulation since they do not have exposed mechanisms like semi-automatic handguns.

Additionally, revolvers are often favored for their simplicity and ease of maintenance. Compared to semi-automatic pistols with their complex mechanisms and multiple moving parts, revolvers are relatively easy to disassemble, clean, and reassemble.

This simplicity makes it easier for women to learn how to maintain their firearms and ensures regular maintenance is simple. Various options are available today when selecting a specific revolver as the best handgun for women.

Choosing a handgun for women involves considering several factors, and revolvers offer noteworthy advantages. With their reliability, simplicity, and ease of maintenance, revolvers are a viable option for women’s handguns.


Their compact and sleek design has gained popularity among women seeking a discreet and easily concealable handgun for self-defense. These petite firearms, often resembling miniaturized versions of traditional handguns, are designed for close-quarters engagement. Despite their small size, derringers can still pack a punch and provide women with reliable protection.

One of the critical advantages of derringers is their compactness. These small handguns for women can easily fit into a purse or be carried in a pocket without drawing much attention.

The lightweight nature of derringers also contributes to their ease of carrying, making them ideal for women who prefer convenient accessibility to their firearms. Additionally, the simplicity of derringer designs translates into user-friendly operation, allowing women to quickly familiarize themselves with the functionality and confidently deploy these weapons if needed.

When choosing a handgun for women focused on self-defense purposes, derringers offer an appealing combination of compactness and reliability. Their small size allows for discreet carry options without sacrificing power or accuracy.

Ultimately, each woman’s preferences and requirements should guide her decision-making when selecting the best handgun suited to her needs – but derringers undoubtedly deserve consideration within that selection process.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Handgun

When choosing a handgun, there are several factors that women should consider to ensure they find the best firearm that suits their needs. One of the first factors to consider is the size of the handgun.

For many women, a compact or subcompact handgun may be more suitable as it offers enhanced concealability and ease of handling. Lightweight handguns for women can also be advantageous, as they are easier to carry and maneuver.

They provide better control, especially for those with smaller hands or less upper body strength. Another crucial factor to consider is recoil.

Women often prefer low-recoil handguns for various reasons. Reduced recoil makes shooting more comfortable and enhances accuracy and follow-up shots.

This is particularly important when choosing a handgun for self-defense, where quick and precise target acquisition is essential. In addition to size and recoil, caliber selection plays a vital role in selecting a handgun for women.

It’s crucial to strike a balance between stopping power and manageable recoil. While larger calibers may offer superior stopping power, they often come with increased recoil that can be challenging to control for some individuals, especially those with less experience or physical strength.

On the other hand, smaller calibers are typically associated with lower recoil but might have limitations regarding effective self-defense range. Price should also be taken into consideration when selecting a handgun for women.

While it’s true that quality firearms tend to have higher price points due to superior craftsmanship and materials, there are many affordable options available on the market today that cater specifically to women’s needs without compromising performance or reliability.

By carefully considering these factors – size, recoil, caliber, and price – when choosing a handgun for women, individuals can make an informed decision based on their personal preferences and requirements while ensuring they have a reliable firearm at their disposal when needed most in self-defense situations.


When selecting a handgun for women, size is a crucial factor to consider. The right-sized firearm can significantly impact comfort, control, and shooting experience.

These firearms are designed with ergonomics and offer a comfortable grip that accommodates smaller hands. Compact handguns are also lighter than full-sized options, making them easier to handle and manipulate.

Additionally, small handguns for women are ideal for concealed carry purposes. Their reduced dimensions allow discreet carrying inside the waistband or in specially designed holsters.

Striking a balance between manageable recoil and ample stopping power is essential when choosing a handgun tailored to women’s needs. Selecting the right-sized handgun for women involves considering factors such as comfort, control, concealability, and recoil management.

Compact or small firearms designed with ergonomics in mind tend to cater well to the needs of female shooters by providing them with comfortable grips and ease of manipulation. By prioritizing these aspects and stopping power considerations, women can find an ideal handgun that suits their preferences and personal protection requirements.


When considering the weight of a handgun for women, it is vital to find a balance between manageability and effectiveness. While a lightweight handgun may be easier to carry and handle, it should not compromise the overall performance or control. Fortunately, there are numerous options available in the market that cater specifically to women’s needs.

One key advantage of lightweight handguns for women is their increased portability. Whether for everyday concealed carry or self-defense purposes, a lighter firearm can be more comfortable to carry throughout the day without causing fatigue or discomfort.

It is recommended that potential buyers visit local gun stores or shooting ranges where they can test different models firsthand since personal preference plays an essential role in selecting the best handgun for women based on individual comfort and shooting experience.


One crucial factor to consider when choosing a handgun for women is recoil. refers to the backward movement of the firearm after firing a shot, caused by the force generated by the expanding gases pushing the bullet out of the barrel.

It will significantly impact accuracy, control, and overall shooting experience, making it essential for women to select a handgun with manageable recoil. Many women prefer handguns with low recoil due to various reasons.

Additionally, many women prefer lightweight handguns for self-defense purposes as they are easier to carry on their person or in purses or bags. However, lightweight handguns often have more significant felt recoil due to reduced mass.

Fortunately, several manufacturers offer low-recoil handguns specifically designed for women’s needs. These firearms are typically chambered in smaller calibers such as .380 ACP or 9mm Luger, generating less felt recoil than larger calibers like .40 S&W or .45 ACP.

Additionally, many models feature built-in features that help mitigate recoil effects further. For instance, some handguns incorporate ergonomic grips and specialized muzzle designs that redirect gas flow and reduce muzzle rise during firing.


One crucial consideration when choosing a suitable handgun for women is the caliber. The caliber refers to the diameter of the bullet that the handgun fires. Selecting an appropriate caliber is vital as it directly affects factors such as recoil, stopping power, and ease of use.

Opting for smaller calibers that offer manageable recoil without sacrificing effectiveness is generally recommended for women. Women often favor lightweight handguns chambered in lower calibers due to their ease of handling and reduced kickback.

Women’s handguns’ most commonly recommended calibers include .380 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) and 9mm. The .380 ACP, also known as 9x17mm or 9mm Kurz, is a popular choice for concealed carry handguns for self-defense purposes.

Additionally, many compact and lightweight handguns are chambered in .380 ACP. On the other hand, 9mm handguns have gained significant popularity among female shooters due to their versatility and widespread availability.

This caliber offers a slightly higher stopping power than .380 ACP while maintaining manageable recoil characteristics. Many manufacturers provide compact pistols chambered in 9mm for concealed carry or home defense scenarios.

While these two calibers are often recommended for women’s handguns, it is important to remember that individual preferences may vary based on hand strength and shooting experience. Therefore, it is advisable to test fire different calibers before deciding which handgun best suits your needs as a woman shooter.


When choosing a handgun, price is an important factor to consider. While investing in a reliable and high-quality firearm for your safety is essential, it doesn’t mean you have to break the bank. Many manufacturers offer handguns specifically designed for women at varying price points, ensuring that there is an option suitable for every budget.

When considering price while choosing a handgun for women, remember that investing in your safety should always be a priority. While tempting options may be available at meager prices, ensure you thoroughly research their reliability before making any decisions, as compromising on quality can have severe consequences when it comes to self-defense situations where dependability counts most.

Specific Handguns for Women

When choosing specific handguns for women, several options have gained popularity due to their suitability for female shooters.

Glock 19

The Glock 19 is widely regarded as one of the best handguns for women, offering a perfect balance between size, weight, and firepower. This compact semi-automatic pistol has gained immense popularity among female shooters for its versatility and ease of use.

We have a Glock 19 varriant (Gucci Glock) the Shadow MR920 Elite in Coyote Brown because the normal Glocks did not fit in my hand. We would have had to modify the grips.  

With its sleek design, exceptional reliability, and user-friendly features, the Glock 19 has become a top choice for women seeking a reliable handgun for self-defense. One notable advantage of the Glock 19 is its compact yet substantial frame size.

Women often find this handgun an ideal fit due to its manageable dimensions. The gun measures approximately 7.36 inches long and weighs around 23 ounces when unloaded.

This makes it suitable for concealed carry while providing sufficient grip space for comfortable handling and control. Regarding firepower, the Glock 19 impresses with its standard magazine capacity of 15 rounds (plus one in the chamber).

This gives women shooters ample ammunition without sacrificing maneuverability or adding excessive weight to their handguns. Additionally, the Glock series is known for its safe-action mechanism that combines a consistent trigger pull with built-in safety features—an important consideration when choosing a handgun for self-defense.

Moreover, the Glock 19 offers customizable options through interchangeable backstraps that allow shooters to adjust grip size according to their preferences—a noteworthy feature considering women’s varying hand sizes. The pistol also incorporates low-recoil technology into its design, making it easier to manage during rapid-fire or extended shooting sessions.

The Glock 19 is one of the best handguns for women who prioritize reliability, ease of use, and effective self-defense capabilities. Its compact size, generous magazine capacity, customizable grip options, and low-recoil characteristics make it an appealing choice among female shooters seeking small yet powerful handguns specifically designed with their needs in mind.

Smith & Wesson M&P Shield

is a renowned and highly regarded handgun option for women seeking a reliable and effective self-defense tool. This compact pistol offers exceptional performance, user-friendly features, and a sleek design that caters specifically to the needs of women. The Smith & Wesson M&P Shield has gained widespread popularity among female gun owners as it combines the qualities of a top-notch firearm with the convenience and comfort required for concealed carry.

One notable advantage of the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield is its compact size, making it an ideal choice for women looking for small handguns for everyday use. With dimensions that balance ease of concealment and comfortable handling, this pistol can easily fit into purses or holsters without sacrificing accuracy or control.

Additionally, its lightweight construction further enhances its suitability as a women’s handgun, ensuring minimal strain during extended periods of carrying. Regarding recoil management, the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield provides low-recoil performance.

This feature is crucial when selecting handguns for women, as reduced recoil enables better control over the firearm during rapid fire or follow-up shots. The M&P Shield achieves this through its ergonomic grip design and effective recoil mitigation systems incorporated within the pistol’s framework.

These features improve accuracy and provide female users with a more enjoyable shooting experience. Another noteworthy aspect of the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield is its versatility in caliber options.

Women have unique preferences and comfort levels when it comes to selecting firearms suitable for self-defense purposes. The M&P Shield offers options in popular calibers such as 9mm and .40 S&W, allowing individuals to choose what best aligns with their skill level and stopping power requirements.

This broad selection ensures that women can confidently select a handgun that suits their needs without compromising effectiveness. Overall, the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield stands out as an exceptional handgun option designed with the needs of women in mind.

Its compact size, lightweight construction, low recoil, and caliber options make it ideal for concealed carry and self-defense. By considering these features alongside personal preferences and individual skill levels, women can confidently select the best handgun for their specific requirements, empowering them to protect themselves effectively in any situation.

Ruger LCP

The Ruger LCP is a popular choice for compact handguns for women. Known for its concealability and lightweight design, the Ruger LCP offers women a reliable option for self-defense purposes. With its small size and low recoil, this handgun is easy to handle and comfortable to shoot.

One key feature that makes the Ruger LCP an excellent choice for women is its compactness. Weighing just over 9 ounces and measuring only 5.16 inches in length, this handgun can easily fit into a purse or pocket without adding unnecessary bulk.

This makes it highly suitable for women who prioritize discretion and portability in their choice of firearm. Another advantage of the Ruger LCP is its low recoil.

Recoil can be a significant concern for many women when choosing a handgun, as excessive recoil can negatively impact accuracy and overall shooting experience. The Ruger LCP’s lightweight design helps mitigate recoil, allowing for better control during firing sequences.

This feature makes it ideal for those with limited upper body strength or sensitivity to heavy recoil. The Ruger LCP is an excellent choice among handguns that meet women’s needs.

Its compact size makes it easy to carry discreetly, while its low recoil ensures comfortable shooting experiences without compromising accuracy or control. For those seeking a lightweight and reliable handgun for self-defense, the Ruger LCP remains one of the best options.


When choosing the best handgun for women, it is crucial to consider various factors that cater specifically to their needs. Whether for self-defense or recreational purposes, finding a handgun that suits a woman’s unique preferences and physical attributes is essential.

Lightweight handguns for women are particularly popular due to their ease of handling and reduced recoil, which enhances accuracy and overall comfort during shooting. Small handguns designed for women also provide the perfect combination of compactness and firepower.

One excellent choice for a women’s handgun is the Glock 19. Renowned for its reliability and versatility, this semi-automatic pistol combines a compact frame with a substantial ammunition capacity, making it suitable for concealed carry and home defense.

The Glock 19 offers an ergonomic design that accommodates various hand sizes comfortably, ensuring a secure grip while maintaining optimal control over recoil. Its lightweight construction makes it highly manageable in high-stress situations while retaining impressive accuracy.

Another reliable option that deserves consideration when choosing a handgun for women is the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield. This single-stack semi-automatic pistol is specifically designed with female shooters in mind.

Its slim profile allows easy concealment without sacrificing magazine capacity or stopping power. With an emphasis on comfort and control, the M&P Shield features interchangeable backstraps to accommodate different hand sizes seamlessly.

Furthermore, its low recoil design ensures minimal muzzle flip, enabling quick follow-up shots crucial in self-defense scenarios. Selecting the best handgun for women requires careful consideration of weight, recoil management, size, and overall comfort during shooting sessions or self-defense situations.

Lightweight handguns designed explicitly with female shooters in mind offer superior handling characteristics while minimizing fatigue during extended practice sessions or potentially stressful encounters. The Glock 19 is an exceptional choice due to its reliability and versatility in concealed carry and home defense applications.

The Smith & Wesson M&P Shield equally deserves attention, which provides female shooters with a slim, manageable platform without compromising capacity or stopping power. By considering these considerations and exploring other options available, women can confidently select a handgun that suits their needs and empowers them in any situation.

How to Choose the Best Handgun for You

While selecting the best handgun for your needs can be a daunting task, it is crucial to approach this decision with careful consideration and thorough research. To ensure you make an informed choice, there are several key factors to remember when choosing a handgun for women. Firstly, assessing your specific requirements and intended firearm use is essential.

Are you seeking a handgun for self-defense purposes or simply for recreational shooting? Determining your intended purpose will help narrow down your options and guide you in selecting the most suitable firearm.

Get training in using your firearm and the laws in your area. California, New York, and Washington D.C. differ significantly from Texas, Florida, and Alaska regarding gun and self-defense laws.

Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat are Latin equivalents for “ignorance of the law excuses not” and “ignorance of law excuses no one” respectively. 

Another crucial aspect to consider is the size and weight of the handgun. Women’s handguns are often designed with ergonomics, offering more comfortable grips and smaller frames catering to female hand sizes.

Small handguns for women provide ease of handling and offer greater concealability if carrying a firearm is part of your self-defense strategy. Additionally, lightweight handguns for women contribute to enhanced maneuverability without compromising accuracy or performance.

Furthermore, recoil management plays a significant role in deciding which handgun is best for you. Low-recoil handguns are particularly favorable for women as they minimize felt recoil and increase control during shooting sessions.

This attribute becomes especially relevant when considering self-defense scenarios where rapid follow-up shots may be necessary. Choosing the best handgun for women necessitates carefully evaluating various factors such as intended use, size, weight, and recoil management.

Considering these aspects carefully and seeking professional guidance, you can confidently select a firearm that aligns with your preferences and requirements. Remember that finding the right handgun takes time; visiting local firearms stores or consulting experienced shooters who can provide hands-on advice before making your final decision is essential.

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