Family Provider

The Modern Man’s Guide to Being a Family Provider Success

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The role of a family provider has evolved far beyond simply bringing home a paycheck. As a husband and father, I’ve learned through personal experience that being a proper family provider requires a holistic approach encompassing financial security, personal growth, and overall well-being. This journey has taught me valuable lessons about the complexities of family dynamics, the importance of self-care, and the true meaning of success.

The Genesis of a Family Provider’s Mindset

My journey as a family provider began with a simple yet profound realization: my goal was never to amass wealth for wealth’s sake but to ensure my family could thrive, even in my absence. This mindset was shaped by cautionary tales of wealthy fathers who passed away unexpectedly, leaving their families in financial disarray. However, there is another aspect of the father that is never home. My father was an over-the-road trucker who would be gone for months, providing for the family. I thought that it was the cause of my parent’s divorce. This would not be me.

Determined to avoid such a fate, I embarked on a mission to secure our economic future and equip my family with the skills and knowledge to navigate life’s challenges independently.

Men's Health

Building a Foundation of Self-Reliance

The first phase of my plan focused on primitive survival skills. I invested time and resources in teaching my family:

  1. Self-defense techniques
  2. Responsible firearm use and safety
  3. Sustainable gardening practices
  4. Fishing and hunting skills

These foundational abilities were chosen with a clear purpose: to ensure that my family would have the basic skills to survive and thrive no matter what circumstances life throws at us. This approach to family preparedness gave us a sense of security that went beyond mere financial stability.

Expanding Horizons: From Survival to Entrepreneurship

As we mastered basic survival skills, I recognized the importance of adapting to the modern world’s challenges. This led me to shift our focus towards entrepreneurial skills, exploring a diverse range of opportunities:

I implemented a unique reward system for my children to incentivize continuous learning. They would earn $20-$50 for writing reports on self-help, business, and philosophy books. This encouraged them to read critically, analyze, and synthesize information – skills that would prove invaluable in their future endeavors.

Nurturing Individual Passions

Understanding that each family member had unique interests and talents, I prioritized supporting and nurturing these passions. My ex-wife, for instance, had a love for crafting. I invested in top-of-the-line equipment to support her creative pursuits, including a Glowforge laser cutter and an even more advanced Fiber Laser system.

This investment allowed her to explore various business opportunities, from craft shows to Etsy storefronts. However, this experience also taught us an important lesson about the realities of entrepreneurship: not every passion translates into a profitable business model. The low return on investment (ROI) from the crafting business became a point of contention, highlighting the delicate balance between pursuing passions and maintaining financial stability.

I took a multifaceted approach for my son, whose passions revolved around video gaming, airplanes, and game development. We invested in a high-performance gaming computer to handle the latest games and game development software. I arranged flying experiences at a local airfield and trips to the Space and Air Museum to nurture his interest in airplanes and introduced him to what the Air Force Academy provides. I also enrolled him in coding classes focused on game development, allowing him to merge his love for gaming with practical programming and design skills.

My daughter’s diverse interests in baking and video games presented unique opportunities for growth and creativity. I set up a dedicated space in the kitchen for her baking experiments, complete with professional-grade equipment and a library of cookbooks. I ensured her a good gaming computer and games for her gaming interests, encouraging her to explore different genres and consider game creation’s storytelling and design aspects.

The Challenges of Constant Evolution


My enthusiasm for exploring new opportunities and constantly evolving my skill set came with challenges. Undiagnosed ADHD led me to jump from project to project, often leaving previous ventures unfinished. This behavior, while driven by good intentions, sometimes left my ex-wife feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

This experience underscored the importance of consistency and follow-through in personal and professional endeavors. It also highlighted a crucial aspect of being a family provider: recognizing and addressing one’s limitations and how they impact the family unit.

Prioritizing Education and Environment

When faced with a career opportunity that required relocation to the Washington D.C. area, my family provider mindset kicked into high gear. Instead of focusing solely on the financial aspects of the move, I prioritized researching educational opportunities for our children. This decision was influenced by the wisdom of Russell Barkley, who said:

Your child is not a blank slate on which you get to writeSo the idea that you are going to engineer personalities and IQs and academic achievement skills and all these other things just isn’t true. I am a shepherd to a unique individual.

This perspective reshaped my understanding of fatherhood and my role as the family provider. I realized that creating an environment where my children could flourish was just as important as – if not more important than – financial provision. This meant considering factors beyond just school rankings, such as:

  • Extracurricular opportunities
  • Community resources
  • Cultural exposure
  • Environmental factors affecting health and well-being

Even though private education was beyond our means as government employees, I was committed to finding the best possible public education options. This often meant longer commutes for me, but I saw it as an investment in my children’s future – a cornerstone of my duty as a family provider.

The Wake-Up Call: Recognizing Personal Shortcomings

Despite my best efforts and intentions, after 21 years, I realized that I could not provide something essential that my ex-wife needed: love for herself. This revelation forced me to turn inward and examine my shortcomings:

  1. Undiagnosed ADHD affecting my ability to focus and follow through
  2. Low testosterone levels impact energy and mood
  3. Vitamin deficiencies contribute to overall health issues
  4. Unresolved trauma influencing my behavior and relationships
  5. Self-love and forgiveness

I gave 110% to my family and work, leaving nothing for myself. This self-neglect manifested in deteriorating physical health – I had ballooned to 220 pounds with 35% body fat. It was clear that my approach to being a family provider was unsustainable and ultimately self-defeating.

The Path to Holistic Well-being

Recognizing the need for change, I embarked on a journey of self-improvement and holistic well-being. This involved:

  1. Seeking professional help for ADHD diagnosis and treatment
  2. Consulting with healthcare providers to address hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies
  3. Engaging in therapy to work through unresolved trauma and forgiving myself
  4. Prioritizing physical fitness and nutrition

The results were transformative. With proper medication, therapy, and a commitment to physical health, I was able to reduce my weight to 177 pounds and achieve a much healthier 16% body fat. More importantly, these changes improved my mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall quality of life.

Lessons Learned: Advice for Fellow Providers

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve distilled some critical pieces of advice for other men striving to be effective family providers:

  1. Prioritize Your Health: You can’t be the best provider if you’re unhealthy. Regular check-ups, proper nutrition, and consistent exercise are non-negotiable.
  2. Seek Professional Help: Don’t hesitate to engage with therapists, life coaches, and healthcare professionals. Mental health is just as important as physical health.
  3. Invest in Preventative Care: Regular DEXA scans, blood work, and health screenings can catch issues before they become serious problems.
  4. Balance Financial and Emotional Provision: Being a family provider is about more than money. Emotional presence and support are crucial for family well-being.
  5. Foster Growth and Independence: Equip your family members with skills and knowledge to serve them throughout life.
  6. Adapt and Evolve: The world is constantly changing. Stay open to learning new skills and adapting your approach to family provision.
  7. Practice Self-Care: Remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish – being there for your family in the long run is necessary.
  8. Communicate Openly: Discuss your goals, fears, and challenges with your partner. Open communication can prevent misunderstandings and strengthen your family unit.
Dad hugging kids

Conclusion: Redefining the Role of Provider

The journey of being a family provider is complex, challenging, and ever-evolving. It requires a delicate balance of financial planning, skill development, emotional support, and personal growth. By approaching this role with a holistic mindset – one that values financial security, emotional well-being, personal health, and continuous learning – we can create a strong foundation for our families to thrive.

Remember, gentlemen, that being a provider is not about perfection. It’s about commitment, growth, and the willingness to adapt. By taking care of ourselves, we ensure that we can be there for our families in all the ways that truly matter. In doing so, we secure our family’s future and set an example of resilience, adaptability, and holistic well-being for the next generation.

Government Resources

  1. USAGov Men’s Health Guide: Provides information on common health issues affecting men, preventive measures, and ways to improve overall health.
  2. MedlinePlus Men’s Health: Offers comprehensive information on various aspects of men’s health, including diagnosis, prevention, treatments, and specific health conditions.

Non-Profit Organizations

  1. Men’s Health Resource Center: Provides detailed information on various health topics specific to men, including cardiovascular health, sexual and reproductive health, mental health, and prostate health.

Medical Practices and Clinics

  1. Capital Crescent Collective: Offers counseling services with specialists in various areas, including men’s issues.
  2. Joseph LaFleur & Associates: Provides psychotherapy services, including expertise in men’s health topics.

Mental Health Resources

  1. Paul E. Ruffer, LCSW-C: Offers individual counseling services that can address men’s mental health concerns.
  2. The Thrive Center: Provides comprehensive ADHD services for both children and adults, which can be relevant for men struggling with this condition.

Key Focus Areas

When exploring these resources, men should pay particular attention to:

  • Regular health screenings and check-ups
  • Heart disease prevention
  • Cancer awareness and early detection
  • Mental health support
  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Lifestyle choices (diet, exercise, sleep, alcohol consumption)
  • Age-specific health concerns

By utilizing these resources and focusing on these key areas, men can take a more proactive approach to their health, potentially improving their overall well-being and life expectancy.

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